Night sweats, brain fog, mood swings, disturbed sleep, lack of libido?
I know all too well how these peri-menopausal symptoms can creep up and dramatically impact your life.
I also know how exercise, if approached in the right way, can be part of the solution.
This could just be the best next chapter of our lives but it’s probably going to look and feel quite different to what’s come before.
I am passionate about accessible, achievable fitness for menopausal women. No gimmicks. No crazy jumping around. But a journey where you learn how to exercise in a way that works for you and your lifestyle. And in a way that you’ll continue doing forever.
No big health kicks or fitness drives with me. They’re short-lived.
Instead - a focus on building strength, fitness, healthy habits and a can-do mindset for this next chapter of life.
I want all women to recognise and like who they see in the mirror. To feel in control. And to know they’re doing their best for a healthy future.
Yes it may take a bit of effort but there's lots we can do to manage symptoms, feel our best and future proof our bodies, from adapting nutrition, managing our stress, prioritising sleep and of course, exercise.
And I want to help you do exactly this. Why shouldn’t you be and feel the very best version of yourself?

This is my passion – I want every midlife woman to know why they need to be doing it, feel confident doing so and ideally, loving it!
So, what is it?
Alternatively known as strength training, it’s a form of exercise where we strengthen our bones by moving them against some form of resistance, such as lifting weights, your own body weight (e.g. press ups and squats) or by using resistance bands.
Why’s it so important in midlife?
We can lose as much as 3-5% of muscle mass per decade after the age of 30 (sarcopenia) and this rate can accelerate with naturally declining testosterone once we hit peri menopause, affecting our strength, power, balance, and aerobic capacity.
Additionally, once our oestrogen starts to decline, (which is the key hormone for protecting and maintaining our bone density) our bones start to break down faster than they repair.
Unsurprisingly we then become susceptible to osteoporosis with 1 in 3 women facing a hip fracture over the age of 50!
How can resistance training help?
Moving your bones against some form of resistance will prompt them to respond by renewing themselves and maintaining or improving their strength.
It’ll help you rebuild that declining muscle mass which has been shown in studies to help with many of the vasomotor menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and migraines.
By putting these muscles under the right amount of stress now, you’ll be reducing your chances of injury later in life as they’ll have the ability to react and bounce back.
The serotonin and endorphins produced when you train are both anti depression bio chemicals and can have a hugely positive impact on mental wellbeing – which, let’s be honest, are pretty welcome right now! My clients surprise themselves when they see the huge impact resistance training has on their self-esteem, mindset, energy levels, and renewed ability to deal with the challenges life throws their way.
It's like a secret superpower!
And what if I’ve never done any, is it too late to start?
It’s never too late. I’ve had several clients start in their 60’s.
Just ensure technique is good and take a slow and steady approach.