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Podcast: Sharing Out Loud

I was recently a guest on the insightful podcast "SHARING OUT LOUD" with Heather Danby (@heathermdanby), where I had the chance to share my story and how it led to a whole new chapter in my life, my "second act"!

For some of you who might be new here, you might not know that my life looked very different before I turned 50. For 25 years, I was deep in the corporate world – suits, commutes, board meetings, global travel – the whole HR Director for a Global Company package.

And I loved it.

Until I didn’t.

Perimenopause hit, and everything changed. There was a lot to learn, a lot to adjust to. I knew life couldn’t continue as it was. That's when my "second act" began. I followed my passion for fitness and became a Personal Trainer, specifically focused on helping women in midlife.

Curious to hear more? On the podcast, Heather and I discuss the whole perimenopause experience – the good, the bad, and the ugly. And I share why I'm actually grateful for that nudge in the right direction, that led me to pursue my true passion.

You can listen to the podcast on any of the following channels:


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